
Password being echoed in shell.

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  • Operating system: GNU/Linux MX Linux 21.1 Workbench PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"

  • Build version (signal-back --version): signal-back v0.1.6-dirty

Detailed description

I downloaded the pre-compiled binary release version (signal-back_linux_amd64 v0.1.6) and copied it to my signal backup directory on PC.
I opened a shell in the aforementioned directory.
After executing any command, I receive a prompt to enter the password.
I enter the password (30 digit numeric) and the password is echoed while typing but is no longer visible when command executes.

According to what I read in usage, that is not typical behavior as it should not be echoed for security reasons.
It isn't a huge ordeal for me but wanted to report the atypical behavior and request any insight as to what I may or may not be doing to cause this unexpected behavior.

Thank you for this useful tool, btw. I appreciate your effort here.

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