
get chaced object

Opened this issue · 22 comments

Hello! I'm using your android library to do rest request and to use cache. How can i get cached result? If i use annotation than when i call api.myrequest it give me null and not cached object. thank u.

package com.antonio.restrung;

import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;

import org.apache.http.Header;

import java.io.IOException;

import ly.apps.android.rest.cache.CacheManager;
import ly.apps.android.rest.cache.ContextPersistentCacheManager;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.Callback;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.Response;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.RestClient;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.RestClientFactory;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.RestServiceFactory;

public class MyActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

RestClient client = RestClientFactory.defaultClient(Application.getMyApplicationContext());
GetJson api = RestServiceFactory.getService("http://alessioarsuffipaybay.altervista.org", GetJson.class, client);

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.my, menu);
    return true;

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will
    // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long
    // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml.
    int id = item.getItemId();
    if (id == R.id.action_settings) {
        return true;
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

int i = 0;
public void getJson(View v){

    api.getMioJson(new Callback<MioJson>(this) {

        public void onResponse(Response<MioJson> mioJsonResponse) {
            //How get cached object



package com.antonio.restrung;

import java.io.Serializable;

import ly.apps.android.rest.client.RestClient;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.RestClientFactory;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.RestServiceFactory;


  • Created by antonio on 31/07/14.
    public class MioJson implements Serializable{

    String nome;
    String cognome;

    public String getNome() {
    return nome;

    public void setNome(String nome) {
    this.nome = nome;

    public String getCognome() {
    return cognome;

    public void setCognome(String cognome) {
    this.cognome = cognome;


package com.antonio.restrung;

import ly.apps.android.rest.cache.CachePolicy;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.Callback;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.annotations.Cached;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.annotations.GET;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.annotations.QueryParam;
import ly.apps.android.rest.client.annotations.RestService;


  • Created by antonio on 31/07/14.
    public interface GetJson {

    @cached(policy = CachePolicy.LOAD_IF_OFFLINE, timeToLive = 60 * 1000)
    public void getMioJson(Callback callback);


@croccio can you paste the code in the issue? thanks.

@croccio That type of cache policy only works if you have previously stored the response from a connected call otherwise it would return null. I recommend you use CachePolicy.ENABLED instead if you just want to load cached results at all times. The first time it will hit the network but subsequent calls would load from the cache. For more info on the cache policies take a look at https://github.com/47deg/appsly-android-rest#cache

I've tried all policy and if 'm offline it return nuill. if i put this in on response method i get my cached object

try {
Pair<Object, Boolean> cachedResult = new Pair<Object, Boolean>(getCacheManager().get(response.getCacheInfo().getKey(), response.getCacheInfo()), false);
if (cachedResult.first != null) {
Log.e("PAIR OBJECT", ((MioJson) cachedResult.first).getNome() + "");
Log.e("PAIR OBJECT", "Cache expired");
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

You are not supposed to use the CacheManager directly. Use response.getCacheInfo().isLoadedFromCache()

if i call that method it return true, but if i close app, turn off internet, open app, on response method return me null object. it return null object also if i'm offline without closing the app

@croccio @raulraja i have the same problem, after first opening app and first call, i save a value in cache for a certain path, than if i remove internet connection onResume method gave me NULL, i'm pretty sure that cache shouldn't gave me null value... is there a problem of library ?

Maybe some issue here https://github.com/47deg/appsly-android-rest/blob/master/android-rest/src/main/java/ly/apps/android/rest/cache/CacheAwareHttpClient.java#L123 but can't really tell if it's something specific to some devices or the Connectivity Manager. Turning off internet does not mean not being connected to a network. Do you guys see anything strange in the logcat?

here you are logcat. first while cache is valid, second after cache is INVALID

07-31 15:28:10.063 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> invoking: http://alessioarsuffipaybay.altervista.org/alessioarsuffipaybay_0001.json with body: null and temporary request content type: application/json
07-31 15:28:10.063 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> CacheAwareHttpClient.sendRequest
07-31 15:28:10.079 6948-6965/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ AsyncTask #1 -> image read from disk 7a1b4733e23d18f6dfc39974cfb2971
07-31 15:28:10.079 6948-6965/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ AsyncTask #1 -> Loading from cache because expiresOn : 1406813297361 > now : 1406813290088
07-31 15:28:10.094 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> CacheAwareHttpClient.sendRequest.onPostExecute proceeding with cache: android.util.Pair@4215eb7d
07-31 15:28:10.094 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> onSuccess: status200 rawResponse: null
07-31 15:28:10.094 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung E/RESPONSE﹕ ly.apps.android.rest.client.Response@42160648
07-31 15:28:10.102 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> image read from disk 7a1b4733e23d18f6dfc39974cfb2971
07-31 15:28:10.102 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> Loading from cache because expiresOn : 1406813297361 > now : 1406813290111
07-31 15:28:10.102 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung E/PAIR OBJECT﹕ ciao antonio
07-31 15:28:26.430 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> invoking: http://alessioarsuffipaybay.altervista.org/alessioarsuffipaybay_0001.json with body: null and temporary request content type: application/json
07-31 15:28:26.430 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> CacheAwareHttpClient.sendRequest
07-31 15:28:26.454 6948-6971/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ AsyncTask #3 -> image read from disk 7a1b4733e23d18f6dfc39974cfb2971
07-31 15:28:26.454 6948-6971/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ AsyncTask #3 -> Invalidated key : http://alessioarsuffipaybay.altervista.org/alessioarsuffipaybay_0001.json from cache because expiresOn : 1406813297361 < now : 1406813306463
07-31 15:28:26.454 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> CacheAwareHttpClient.sendRequest.onPostExecute proceeding uncached
07-31 15:28:26.485 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> CacheAwareCallback. Loading from cache after response error: UnknownHostException exception: Unable to resolve host "alessioarsuffipaybay.altervista.org": No address associated with hostname result with cached result: null
07-31 15:28:26.485 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> onFailure: status0 rawResponse: null
07-31 15:28:26.485 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung E/RESPONSE﹕ ly.apps.android.rest.client.Response@420fd0a8
07-31 15:28:26.485 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> image read from disk 7a1b4733e23d18f6dfc39974cfb2971
07-31 15:28:26.485 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> Invalidated key : http://alessioarsuffipaybay.altervista.org/alessioarsuffipaybay_0001.json from cache because expiresOn : 1406813297361 < now : 1406813306495
07-31 15:28:26.485 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung E/PAIR OBJECT﹕ Cache expired

it cannot connect to url to get json and so it doesn't return cached object.

I don't think that is the reason. It invalidated the cache previous to the returned value becase your second request was 9 seconds after your timetolive.

Invalidated key : http://alessioarsuffipaybay.altervista.org/alessioarsuffipaybay_0001.json 
from cache because expiresOn : 1406813297361 < now : 1406813306463

ok, but if the cache is valid it return me null

here it return me null

07-31 15:28:10.063 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> invoking: http://alessioarsuffipaybay.altervista.org/alessioarsuffipaybay_0001.json with body: null and temporary request content type: application/json
07-31 15:28:10.063 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> CacheAwareHttpClient.sendRequest
07-31 15:28:10.079 6948-6965/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ AsyncTask #1 -> image read from disk 7a1b4733e23d18f6dfc39974cfb2971
07-31 15:28:10.079 6948-6965/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ AsyncTask #1 -> Loading from cache because expiresOn : 1406813297361 > now : 1406813290088
07-31 15:28:10.094 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> CacheAwareHttpClient.sendRequest.onPostExecute proceeding with cache: android.util.Pair@4215eb7
07-31 15:28:10.094 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung D/android-rest﹕ main -> onSuccess: status200 rawResponse: null
07-31 15:28:10.094 6948-6948/com.antonio.restrung E/RESPONSE﹕ ly.apps.android.rest.client.Response@4216064

and now cache isn't invalidate because:

Loading from cache because expiresOn : 1406813297361 > now : 1406813290088

Do you see the same behavior with CachePolicy.ENABLED ?

yer. i've same result with all policy

I'm not sure what the issue is. It appears as if the cache had no effect in your terminal. Can you try with a different device?

i've the problem with galaxy nexus(pa android 4.4), nexus 4(stock android 4.4) and lg optimus one (p500with android 2.3.7 cm)

if you would i can try on s3 and s2 with stock firmaware

can you tell me how can i get cached object here? maybe i'm doing something wrong

api.getMyJson(new Callback(this) {

    public void onResponse(Response<MyJson> myJsonResponse) {
        //How get cached object

You don't need to do anything there myJsonResponse.result is the cached object. If you want to know if it was loaded from the cache or not use myJsonResponse.getCacheInfo().isLoadedFromCache()

Ok. If i do so, it give me null on 5 device. Maybe there is a problem in library. I'll try to see it.