
Tutorial missing something

cbrunnkvist opened this issue · 1 comments

(pasting tutorial code into Scala 2.12.7 SBT console)

scala> :paste 
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

def fetchThree[F[_] : Concurrent]: Fetch[F, (String, String, String)] =
  (fetchString(1), fetchString(2), fetchString(3)).tupled

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

<pastie>:43: error: value tupled is not a member of (fetch.Fetch[F,String], fetch.Fetch[F,String], fetch.Fetch[F,String])
  (fetchString(1), fetchString(2), fetchString(3)).tupled

Not sure how this is supposed to work. Is it related to the ordering of things? The first paragraph defining the Trait seems to be out of place too.

Perhaps missing the import. The tuple syntax comes from cats.syntax.apply._