
Temporary Directory and OverthereConnection.getFile(parent, child)

farrault opened this issue · 3 comments

If I call OverthereConnection.getFile(parent, child) with a parent that is a temporary directory,
I get a non-temporary file.
(which is very problematic when using a sudo connection)

Don't you think, it would be preferable to constrain the parent to be a non-temporary one when calling this method ?

Actually you make a good point. The file returned should be a temporary file if the parent is also a temporary file. It should exhibit the same behaviour as OverthereFile.getFile(String child). Which for a SshSudoFile inherits the 'temporaryness' from the parent.

Please see my comments in the commit.

Hi Fabien,

The "temporariness" was only used in the SshSudoConnection, so I pushed it down there. None of the other Ssh connection types actually differentiated between a regular file and a temporary one.