
Includes a LaTeX using manual written by me, by which I want to help more Chinese LaTeX learners.

Primary LanguageTeX

What does this repo include? 仓库内容?

== 所有PDF内容如果定稿,下载会发布在release(https://github.com/wklchris/Note-by-LaTeX/releases)中。PDF files can be accessed in the release page of this repo. ==

== 所有内容请勿用于商业用途。DO NOT use those docs for commercial purpose. ==

本仓库用于存放我的个人学习笔记,全部使用 LaTeX 或者 Markdown 进行撰写。所有运行环境均为Windows系统。具体包括:This repository is for the use of storing my learning notes (by LaTeX or Markdown). All running environments are Windows system. Namely it includes:

LaTeX-cn (Chinese)

LaTeX是一种排版系统,比通常使用的Microsoft Word字处理软件在排版方面更有优势。该一站式手册讲述了如何高效使用LaTeX。LaTeX is a typesetting system, which outperforms Microsoft Word on typesetting. I write this all-in-one manual to tell how to use LaTeX efficiently.

  • 最新版本v1.6.2,于2017年10月发布。Latest version is v1.6.2 releaesd in Oct, 2017.
  • 正考虑将 Tikz 作为附加章节,届时可能发布带 Tikz与不带 Tikz 两版手册。Considering adding Tikz as an additional chapter. And I might upload two versions of the manual (with/without Tikz respectively) at the next release.

LaTeX-beamer-en (English)

关于beamer的基础使用,完全使用英文。Basic beamer knowledge. Totally written in English.

LaTeX-tikz (Bilingual)

本项目预计将与 LaTeX-cn 项目中的 Tikz 章节一同上线。可能是双语版。This project will come with the additional chapter in LaTeX-cn project. It probably be a bilingual one.

过往项目日志 Outdate Projects Log


p.s. 在 Release 页面,python-cn 的第一版仍保留了下来。

LaTeX-cn: ver 1.6 于2017年6月定稿。

—— 正在思考如何改进至下一版。

githubpush-cn: 2016年8月24日定稿。

python-cn: 2016年7月22日定稿。

—— 附:Python安装Lib的非官方Whl文件下载点