
A realistic future development for the core language of Dyalog APL

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Dyalog APL Vision

This is my vision for a realistic development of core Dyalog APL, including extending the domains of existing primitives/quad-names, and adding a few new ones. Requires Dyalog APL version 18.2 or higher.

How to use

You can easily play with these almost like you use normal Dyalog APL in a session:


From within Dyalog APL 18.2 or higher, enter ]get path/dyalog_vision or to import directly from GitHub ]get https://github.com/abrudz/dyalog_vision

Running code

You have three options:

  1. Use the extensions directly with the glyph names, e.g. 4 1 dyalog_vision.RightShoeUnderbar ⎕A.
  2. Use dyalog_vision.∆FIX as a drop in for ⎕FIX.
  3. Use dyalog_vision.⍙REPL # to start a (limited) session where the glyphs work. Enter to exit.


  • All scalar functions support leading axis agreement.

  • All set functions support arguments of any rank.

  • ⎕C and monadic ⎕UCS are scalar functions.

  • In addition, the following is included:

Name Symbol Type* Extension Examples
CircleDiaeresis 🔵✅ Depth when right operand is array. This is similar to Rank () but applies at nesting level. f⍥0 applies f like a scalar function and f⍥1 applies to flat subarrays. f⍤1⍥1 applies to flat vectors.
DelDiaeresis 🔺 Under (a.k.a. Dual). Like f⍥g but conceptually inverts the right operand when done. If g is a selection function, it puts the data back where it came from -⍢(2 3∘⊃) negates the 2nd element's 3rd element.
DelTilde 🔺 Obverse; ⍺⍺ but with inverse ⍵⍵ ×⍢(FFT⍫iFFT)
DollarSign $ 🔺 string enhancement ${1}:1⊃⍺, ${expr}:⍎expr, \n:JSON 'Dyer' 'Bob'$'Hi, ${2} ${1}!
$'Hi, ${first} ${last}!
DownArrow 🔵 dyad allows long 0 1↓'abc' gives 1 2⍴'bc'
DownTack ⊥⍣¯1 when left argument is scalar 2⊤123 gives 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
EpsilonUnderbar 🔶 monad: Type (like  with ⎕ML←0) ⍷1'a'# gives 0' '#'
JotUnderbar 🔺✅ reverse composition X f⍛g Y is (f X) g Y and default argument ⌽⍛≡ checks for palindromes.
a-⍛↑b takes the last a from b.
LeftShoe 🔵 dyad allows partitioning along multiple leading axes (⊂1 1)⊂matrix separates out the first row and column.
LeftShoeUnderbar 🔵 dyad allows partitioning along multiple leading axes (⊂1 0 1 1)⊆4 4⍴⎕A splits off the first row and column, and removes the second.
QuadEqual 🔵 allow array operand to be vocabulary (then uses {⊂⍵} as internal operand) ≢¨'ACGT'⌸'ATT-ACA' gives 3 1 0 2
QuadDiamond 🔶 auto-extended ⍵⍵, allows small , optional edge spec(s) (0:Zero; 1:Repl; 2:Rev; 3:Mirror; 4:Wrap; -:Twist) with masks as operand's Life on a cylinder: 0 4 Life⌺3 3
Rho 🔵 dyad: negatives reverse axis, 0.5 auto-size rounding down, 1.5 auto-size rounding up, 2.5 auto-size with padding Reshape into two columns: 0.5 2⍴data
RightShoeUnderbar 🔺✅ monad: last (⊃⌽,⍵)
dyad: select (⌷⍨∘⊃⍨⍤0 99)
3 1 2⊇'abc' gives 'cab'
Root 🔺 (Square) Root √25 gives 5
3√27 gives 3
UpArrow 🔵 allows long 2 3↑4 5 gives 2 3⍴4 5 0 0 0 0
Vel 🔶 monad: demote (,[⍳2]) ∨2 3 4⍴⎕A gives 6 4⍴⎕A
Wedge 🔶 monad: promote (⍵⍴⍨1,⍴⍵) 'ABC'⍪⍥∧'DEF' gives 2 3⍴⎕A
∆EM ⎕EM 🔵 Self-inverse ⎕EM ⎕EM'RANK ERROR' 'WS FULL' gives 4 1
∆NS ⎕NS 🔵 Accepts ref left arg. Name Set: The list of values to copy into the new/target namespace can have 2-element name-value vectors, setting the name to the given value ref←⎕NS('Abe' 10)('Bea' 12)
ref⎕NS⊂'Carl' 8
∆NG ⎕NG 🔺 Name Get ref⎕NG'Bea' 'Abe'
∆SIGNAL ⎕SIGNAL 🔵 Allows ⎕DMX-style ref argument ⎕SIGNAL ⎕DMX

* 🔺 new feature 🔶 added valence 🔵 expanded domain ⚠ breaking change ✅ scheduled for 20.0 (except monadic )