
let's request some songs in twitch channels you do not need to own

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


let's request some songs in twitch channels you do not need to own

get started

  1. git clone
  2. python -m venv venv
  3. source venv/bin/activate
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. cp example_config.toml config.toml
  6. get twitch chat bot token via https://twitchtokengenerator.com/
  7. get hackmd.io api token
  8. put api tokens in config.toml
  9. build songlist csv - (rocksmith-folks: customs forge song manager will create one for you)
  10. python requestnonsense.py

songlist csv format

Songlists are read from CSV-files, I usually use one build with CFSM, but you can craft one by hand. If you don't have your delimiter in the first line, set LIST_CFSM=false in config.toml.

Customs Forge Song Manager CSV-Format starts with a line denoting the delimiter. CFSM uses the first line in the csv file to denote the delimiter (usually ";"). Check LIST_DELIMITER and LIST_CFSM in config.toml.

We rely on Columns "Artist", "Title" and "Arrangements" in songlist, additional columns are ignored. If your csv does not have arrangements, you can go with INSTRUMENTS=[] in config.toml - this will simply use all songs.

Songlist might be in the wrong encoding. Try this: iconv -f UTF-16 ./songlist.csv > ./encoded_songlist.csv

why hackmd?

  • Request-Queue and Songlist with request commands should available in the web. Request-Queue will change throughout your stream, those changes should be automatically synced to browsers. HackMD will do that for us.
  • HackMD uses markdown. It is easy and convenient to build markdown sources for songlist and requests.
  • HackMD has a free tier including more than 1000 API-Requests per month. That should last for a while

so what can you do?

everything happens in twitchchat. Commands may start with ! or ?. (you can set any string prefix with BOT_PREFIX in config.toml)

Everyone can:

  • ?request <songID> - add your song to the queue or replace your request while keeping your position in the queue. see ?rules for link to songlist with available songs
  • ?allrequest - retrieve a link with the full queue
  • ?position - bot will answer with your current position in the queue
  • ?help - bot will answer with a short explanation and the link with the songlist
  • ?rules - bot will give a short rules text
  • ?meow- bot will meow back to you

Mods can:

  • ?next- if no song is active, set the song at the top of the queue active. otherwise remove the top song from queue and set next one active
  • ?randomize - same as next, but use a random song to put on top
  • ?scam <position> - same as next, but use song at in queue to put on top
  • ?upgrade_request <user> - promote request from in priority position. Those are at the top of queue, also sorted by insert time