
Proton isn't working

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I tried executing but proton isn’t working. It is not recognising my commands. Please help as soon as possible. It is also not launching the Gesture Controller.

Chirag Nahata

Do provide with more details.
Which file did you execute, attach images as well.

Please ensure you are using the word Proton before giving it the command. Eg. Proton what is today's date ?
Any command which doesn't begin with the word Proton is treated as Noise by the Voice Assistant. If you are giving it the right command and no output is still showing up, try to use a microphone.

Please mail me with the video / screen recording of the command you are providing and the output which pops up. In case of errors please provide the error description. We will try our best to help.

Ok so as mentioned in the error log in your command prompt, PyAudio works with only specific versions of Python. Please use the Python version mentioned in ReadME (3.8.5). PyAudio doesn't support Python 3.10. If it still doesnt work uninstall the latest version of python and download version 3.8.5 and then install the library dependancies.