
Adding support for MobileViTV2 model

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Model description


I would love to use MobileViTV2 in my application. I am definitely not an expert, but it seems that its architecture is pretty similar to MobileViT, so adding it seems fairly straightforward to me.



  • The model is supported in Transformers (i.e., listed here)
  • The model can be exported to ONNX with Optimum (i.e., listed here)

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I experimented with this model on my fork here: KLaci@e1e02b1

I can submit a PR too if needed.

Hi there 👋 Looks like the ONNX export isn't as simple as I originally thought (see here). Is this something you'd be able to look into? :)

Okay I might have got it working.

Example code (requires #721):

import { pipeline } from '@xenova/transformers';

const url = 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/tiger.jpg';
const classifier = await pipeline('image-classification', 'Xenova/mobilevitv2-1.0-imagenet1k-256', {
    quantized: false,
const output = await classifier(url);
// [{ label: 'tiger, Panthera tigris', score: 0.6491137742996216 }]