
loading time

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async getText(@param('id') id: string): Promise {
try {

  const doc = await this.documentModel.findById(id).exec();
  let TransformersApi  = Function('return import("@xenova/transformers")')();

  const insets: any = doc.data;

  // Log the insets to see its structure
  console.log("Insets:", insets);

  // Access the 'ops' array if it exists
  const ops = insets.ops || [];

  let concatenatedText = '';
  for (const op of ops) {
    concatenatedText += op.insert;
  const { pipeline, env } = await TransformersApi;
  env.allowRemoteModels = false;
  env.localModelPath = 'C:\Users\haithem\Desktop\node\COLLABORABACK\node_modules\@xenova\transformers\src\models.js';
  const pipe = await pipeline("summarization");

  const result = await pipe(concatenatedText,{max_length: 30}); 
  return result;
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error in getText:", error);
  throw error; // Handle the error appropriately


the methode take to much time to load and i got message in the console that keep spamming

2024-04-30 14:55:19.3268747 [W:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3490 onnxruntime::Graph::CleanUnusedInitializersAndNodeArgs] Removing initializer '/model/decoder/embed_positions/Shape_output_0'. It is not used by any node and should be removed from the model.