
A simple little turing machine simulation.

Primary LanguageC

Turing machine.

    After running "build.sh" on a *nix machine the runnable binary will be
    located in the "bin" folder.

    turing [options]

    -s [path]
        Specifies the source file to use.

    -d [millis]
        If set the tape will be printed for each step of the machine with
        "millis" delay between each. (Ignored when getting input from stdin.)

    -t [tape]
        Sets the initial value of the tape. If not set the inital tape value
        will be read in through stdin.

    e.g. "turing -s example.tu -d 500 -t 001010"
         "cat input.txt | turing -s example.tu > output.txt"

    Use the "alphabet" value in the source code to validate the input data
        and source code.