
planex-clone and guilt no longer working as expected

stefanopanella opened this issue · 2 comments

I run this sequence:

# planex-buildenv new --name custom-sm --with-repo xenserver-specs#team/storage/master sm
# planex-buildenv run storage -- planex-pin sm

that resulted in having a sm.pin like this:

# cat PINS/sm.pin
  "URL": "ssh://git@code.citrite.net/XS/sm.pg.git",
  "patchqueue": "master",
  "base": "ssh://git@code.citrite.net/XS/sm.git",
  "commitish": "1.15",
  "base_commitish": "v1.17.1"
# planex-buildenv run custom-sm -- planex-clone PINS/sm.pin
# planex-buildenv run custom-sm --  planex-rpmake -R sm

all good so far...

than I wanted to play with guilt to modify my patchqueue:

# cd repos/sm
# guilt series
Branch guilt/planex/v1.17.1 is not initialized, try guilt init
# git branch
* guilt/planex/v1.17.1
# ls -l .git/patches/
total 16
drwxrwxr-x 2 stefanop xendev 12288 Sep 19 13:20 master
drwxrwxr-x 2 stefanop xendev  4096 Sep 19 13:20 planex

git log is showing all patches applied

It looks like the repo/sm has all patches applied but is not guilt awere

mseri commented

This should be working now