
Cyclic dependency

johnbester opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to compile XenAdmin for Linux using Mono. One thing that Mono does not allow is cyclic dependencies. This currently seems to be the only cyclic dependency that prevents a build:
XenOvfTransport/Export.cs depends on XenModel/XenRef.cs as well as XenModel/Session.cs
XenModel/ExportVmAction.cs depends on XenOvfTransport/Export.cs

By commenting out all references to code which directly or indirectly references Export class in ExportVmAction.cs, the build can complete without other cyclic dependencies.

kc284 commented

XenModel does not depend on XenOvfTransport. That ExportVmAction exports to XVA format, not to OVF/OVA and uses the XenServer API, not the OvfApi. XenOvfTransport does indeed depend on XenModel, but it is referenced only by XenAdmin (XenAdmin/Actions/OVFActions). Could you share your build log? The problem might be elsewhere.

kc284 commented

Closing this issue as invalid.