
Please release 1.8.5

wdroste opened this issue · 10 comments

There's a critical bug in #292 / #293 that's breaking one of our applications. It looks like the last attempt at release failed can you please resolve this.

This is critical for us too. Any attempts to use pure-java on a snappy-compressed file end up with a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: newLimit > capacity being thrown due to the uncompressed buffer being resized beyond its capacity due to the wrong use of uncompressed.position() fixed in #293.

Please release as soon as possible.

@xerial can you please update this. It's been since Oct 20th this fix has been in.

we are also facing this issue, any plans to release this bug fix.

Hello @xerial , thanks you for this library, any update on this one please?

I didnt find any workaround to make it work with Spark 3.2.1 on kubernetes.

Thanks you very much!

@xerial Hi,thank you for this library.
This bug has been fixed for a year.
Would be grateful if could be released.


Do you know when the version with this fix will be released?


#293 introduces a binary change, and it will not work in some platforms like AIX/ppc,ppc64, s390x, etc., which are not covered by docker-based cross-compilers.

If @odaira can rebuild native libraries for these platforms as he did 4 years ago, it's safe to release. Otherwise, we need to drop support for these platforms.

Pure-java support was an attempt to remove such a dependency on human labor, but it seems the current pure-java snappy code is not properly implemented and caused another issue, so it's blocking the project to ship a new release.

@xerial The change in #293 is meant to affect the pure-java implementation only, and it simply refactors the moment in which the size of the compressed/uncompressed buffers is computed, so that the offset used as argument at the limit operation is not wrongly affected by the previous compression/uncompression operation.

Could you please elaborate on how this fix affects the AIX/ppc, ppc64, etc. environments? Do you mean that, by applying it, only the pure-java implementation would be fixed but not the native libraries? And if so... wouldn't it be possible to release with this fix only, and keep a ticket open for the platforms that cannot benefit from this change?

This library is used by the Apache Hadoop libraries for snappy compression/decompression of large data files in data lakes, which means a really huge amount of corporate users. But in practice this issue makes it unusable in production, forcing anyone who needs to use this in a stable environment to keep their own fork 😞

xerial commented

Released https://github.com/xerial/snappy-java/releases/tag/v1.1.9.0, which no longer supports pure-java mode. Some native libraries for special platforms like AIX are not included.