
Trigger native lib build with a PR comment

xerial opened this issue · 6 comments

xerial commented

Building native libraries is running at GitHub Actions because I no longer have any local machine using Intel.
Currently, I'm manually triggering native lib build process at https://github.com/xerial/snappy-java/actions/workflows/build-native.yml

It would be convenient if we can trigger such a build if a maintainer comments to a PR (e.g., build native)

@xerial If I am not wrong. We want to trigger a build when the maintainer comments on a PR with a specific keyword like 'build native'

You can assign this to me. I'll work on this issue

xerial commented

@imsudiproy Thanks!

A trigger condition can be simpler like this:

  • Trigger the build if there is a change in some of the following files:
    • src/main/resources/org/xerial/snappy/VERSION file
    • Makefile
    • Makefile.common
    • **/*.h
    • **/*.cpp

Trigging via PR comment might be unnecessary if the above condition works

Hi @xerial , created a PR for this #444 let me know if any changes required. Thanks

xerial commented

Thanks. I've tested various approaches, and adopted this one:

  • For PRs: Only testing native library build pass
  • After PR merge, creating (or updating) a new PR with updated native libraries
xerial commented

Example PR created by this change #445