
s390x native library fails to load

pawelszkiler opened this issue · 9 comments

It looks like, after #416, the native library fails to load on a few s390x machines.

Failing OSes include (ones that I was able to check):

  • RHEL 7, RHEL 8
  • Ubuntu 16, Ubuntu 18, Ubuntu 20
  • SLES15 SP3, SLES 15 SP4

The error message says:
libsnappyjava.so: /lib64/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by libsnappyjava.so).

Previously used version,, was working properly and already included s390x native library:

snappy-java-\org\xerial\snappy\native\Linux ├───aarch64 ├───android-arm ├───arm ├───armv6 ├───armv7 ├───ppc ├───ppc64 ├───ppc64le ├───s390x ├───x86 └───x86_64

so I'm thinking: is the change done in #416 really needed?

Thanks for looking into it.

One important addition:, which is currently used, is prone to three high-score vulnerabilities:

which is the reason I've tried updating to a version that has those vulnerabilities resolved.

xerial commented

Without #416, I can't build any native libraries for s390x by myself.

I can accept a PR for adding native libraries built with an older version of Linux like RHEL7. Run make native and create a PR that contains an updated native library for s390x

Note that, however, without a docker image of a cross-compiler for s390x, I cannot guarantee future versions of snappy-java will work for an older version of Linux with s390x.

xerial commented

The latest version might have fixed this issue.

@xerial I have checked the latest version ( and it still does not work on RHEL7. I confirmed with @namrata-ibm that the issue in question was not addressed in #474
However, it was mentioned by @namrata-ibm that it will be checked how this can be fixed 🤞

PR #481 would fix this issue on s390x.

@xerial Could you please take a look? Thank you very much!

xerial commented

Thanks all for the contributions! I just released snappy-java with this fix

Thanks @xerial ! I just tested the newly released libsnappyjava.so for s390x, it worked fine on Linux distributions mentioned in this issue as well as newer ones.

@xerial @kun-lu20 I also checked on RHEL 7 and Ubuntu 20 - works as expected. Thanks a lot!

@xerial , could you please help fix this issue on ppc64le as well? Opened #512 for the same