

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Supervielen Dank für das schnelle Update... Nur leider startet Anno jetzt nicht mehr. Alle Mods sind raus, alles lief super vorher...

Kann ich bestätigen. Mit oder ohne Mods, das Spiel stürzt direkt beim Start ab

Same here, immediate crash to desktop.

All mods removed -> game crashes
Verify game file -> repair -> game launches no problem
Unzip mod-loader to bin folder (no mods installed) -> game crashes

do the python files need to be put back in?

Same here, game crashes immediately on startup

Same same. Game crashes on startup

Bought DLC -> game crashes
All mods removed -> game crashes
Verify game file -> repair -> remove mod files ->game launches no problem
Unzip mod-loader to bin folder -> put mod files back -> game crashes

I'm aware. Made a mistake. Fix is almost ready.

Danke :) Cooler Fehler btw :D