GU 14 release Detected: Trojan:Script/Ulthar.A!ml
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Windows defender detects:
Detected: Trojan:Script/Ulthar.A!ml
False Positive. This happens often, I keep reporting it, they keep adding exceptions. It's annoying, I know, but nothing I can do about it really, unfortunately. I would have gotten myself a code signing cert etc. to build some reputation and have this not happen as much, but they don't sell Code Signing Certs to individuals anymore.
I will report the false positive to Microsoft. Yet again.
The entire code is open, so people can check it (if they so chose), compile it themselves. You can check the build artifacts and how it is compiled, check hashes etc. I have absolutely nothing to hide, and I am genuinely pissed that False Positives are apparently an acceptable collateral damage against individuals like me.