
Public/Tourist Mooring deleted after newest Update

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

after the newest update to the game I switched out the python35.dll files as described in the readme. After starting the game I confirmed that I want to use the new DLC for my savegame and checked if all my mods were included. I have all DLCs for the game.

I discovered that all of my Public/Tourist Moorings were no longer in the game and there was no way to build them since the button did not even appear in the building menu.

Now I am kind of lost since I don't know how that can be fixed and a quick google search has not given me any ideas. Attached you'll find a list of mods I am using.

Thanks in advance for any tips!


I've encountered a similar issue. I've lost new world tourism as well as the original starting Market place in the Old World. I can still build the fancy upgraded market place by copy pasting it, or the smaller modded custom market stalls, but no standard farmers' Market Place, the buildings and icons disappeared.

Thanks for your kind work and any help you are able to administer


Hi Hordazla,
in the meantime I have found a thread on reddit where similar issues are discussed. Maybe this will help you.

Hi there franz1800 I am experiencing the same issue although I suspect that mods specifically associated with the Tourist Season have not updated their scripts inline with the latest game release.

For issues regarding individual mods, which this is. Please contact the respective mod authors and ask them for an update.