
Minimalistic line charts using canvas

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Simple, clean and minimalistic line charts using canvas.


Copy src/graph.min.js in your project and load it with a script tag :

<script src="graph.min.js"></script>
    var chart = new Graph(data, canvas,  options)

Creating a chart

To create a chart, you need to instantiate Graph with a canvas and a set of data.

new Graph(Array data, HTMLCanvasElement[, Object options]);

Bam, you're done !

Configuring a chart

You can easily change some property of the chart with the config object :

    // Internal padding for the canvas
    paddingBottom:  0, 
    paddingLeft:    0,
    paddingRight:   0,
    paddingTop:     0,

    // Canvas background
    background:     "#FFFFFF",

    // Show circle on the last data
    showCircle:     true,
    circle:         "#55AA77",
    circleSize:     4,

    // Show the line at zero
    centerZero:     false,
    showZeroLine:   true,
    zeroLineColor:  "#EEE",

    // Color and whidth of the line chart
    lineColor:      "#8888EE",
    lineWidth:      3,

    // Show the bounds
    showBounds:     true,
    bounds:         "#8888EE",
    boundsHeight:   14,
    boundsFont:     "Arial"


Graph.js can be easily extended to do anything you want. You just need to use standard object inheritance to make it work.

Here is an example to make a dot cloud graph:

function DotCloudGraph () {
    Graph.apply(this, arguments);

DotCloudGraph.prototype = Object.create(Graph.prototype);
DotCloudGraph.prototype.constructor = DotCloudGraph;

 * Draw a cloud of dots graph
DotCloudGraph.prototype.drawData = function () {
    if (this.options.showLine) {
        // Display line graph if showLine is true

    // Draw a circle at each data
    var i = this.data.length - 1, coordinates;

    for (; i >= 0; i--) {
        coordinates = this.getPointCoordinates(i);
        this.context.fillStyle = "#D05656";
        this.context.arc(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], 3, 0, 2*Math.PI);

new DotCloudGraph(data, canvas, options);



Graph.js is available under the Mit License