
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


1 Introduction

The Movidius™ Neural Compute Stick (NCS) is a tiny fanless deep learning device that you can use to learn AI programming at the edge. NCS is powered by the same low power high performance Movidius™ Vision Processing Unit (VPU) that can be found in millions of smart security cameras, gesture controlled drones, industrial machine vision equipment, and more.
This project is a ROS wrapper for NC API of NCSDK, providing the following features in the latest release(v0.3.0):

  • A ROS service for classifying objects in a static image file
  • A ROS publisher for classifying objects in a video stream from a USB camera
  • Demo applications to show the capabilities of ROS service and publisher
  • Support multiple CNN models

There are 2 active branches in this project:

  • master - stable branch
    The latest version on it is v0.3.0 which supports NCSDK v1.07.06. master branch is only updated when every milestone release ready.
  • devel - default branch
    This branch is updated from time to time and maintain the latest code on it. Each pull request should be submitted based on devel branch. We will merge patches to master branch on every milestone release.

2 Prerequisite

  • An x86_64 computer running Ubuntu 16.04
  • ROS Kinetic
  • Movidius Neural Compute Stick (NCS)
  • Movidius Neural Compute (MvNC) SDK
  • RGB Camera, e.g. RealSense ZR300, RealSense D400 Series or standard USB camera

3 Environment Setup

  • Install ROS Kinetic Desktop-Full (guide)
  • Create a catkin workspace (guide)
  • Install NCSDK v1.09.00 (github)
  • NCSDK should be installed in /opt/movidius by default. Create a symbol link in /opt/movidius to the supported CNN network from NCSDK release package.
sudo ln -s ncsdk/examples /opt/movidius/examples

After that, make sure you can find graph data in /opt/movidius/examples/caffe or /opt/movidius/examples/tensorflow and image data in /opt/movidius/examples/data/images

  • Install ROS package for different cameras as needed. e.g.

    1. Standard USB camera
    sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-usb-cam
    1. RealSense ZR300 camera
    1. RealSense D400 series camera
    • Install Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 (guide). Refer here for more details about Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0.
    • Install Intel® RealSense™ ROS (guide)
    cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    git clone https://github.com/intel-ros/realsense.git
    cd  realsense
    git checkout 2.0.0
    cd ~/catkin_ws

4 Building and Installation

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/intel/ros_intel_movidius_ncs.git
cd ros_intel_movidius_ncs
git checkout devel
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin_make install
source devel/setup.bash

Copy categories.txt from this project to NCSDK installation location.

cp ~/catkin_ws/src/ros_intel_movidius_ncs/data/categories.txt /opt/movidius/examples/data/ilsvrc12/

5 Running the Demo

5.1 Video Streaming Inference

5.1.1 NCS and Standard USB Camera

Launch video streaming nodelet. Refer here for more parameter configurations.

roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_usbcam.launch

Make sure you can get result from the topic of object classification.

rostopic echo /movidius_ncs_nodelet/classified_object

Launch image viewer to show the inference result.

roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_stream_example.launch camera_topic:="/usb_cam/image_raw"

5.1.2 NCS and RealSense ZR300 Camera

Launch video streaming nodelet. Refer here for more parameter configurations.

roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_realsense_zr300.launch

Make sure you can get result from the topic of object classification.

rostopic echo /movidius_ncs_nodelet/classified_object

Launch image viewer to show the inference result. You can launch it directly without setting camera_topic, as its default value is /camera/color/image_raw

roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_stream_example.launch camera_topic:="/camera/color/image_raw"
roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_stream_example.launch

5.1.3 NCS and RealSense D400 Series Camera

Launch video streaming nodelet. Refer here for more parameter configurations.

roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_realsense_d400.launch

Make sure you can get result from the topic of object classification.

rostopic echo /movidius_ncs_nodelet/classified_object

Launch image viewer to show the inference result. You can launch it directly without setting camera_topic, as its default value is /camera/color/image_raw

roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_stream_example.launch camera_topic:="/camera/color/image_raw"
roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_stream_example.launch

5.1.4 NCS and Other ROS Supported Camera

Launch your preferred camera node.

#launch ROS master
#launch camera node in another console
rosrun <your-camera-pkg> <your-camera-node>


#launch ROS master
#launch camera node in another console
rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node

Launch NCS nodelet and assign input_topic with the topic url of your rgb camera.

roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_nocam.launch input_topic:=<your_rgb_camera_topic>


roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_nocam.launch input_topic:="/usb_cam/image_raw"

Launch image viewer to show the inference result.

roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_stream_example.launch camera_topic:=<your_rgb_camera_topic>


roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_stream_example.launch camera_topic:="/usb_cam/image_raw"

5.2 Static Image Inference

Launch object classification service. Refer here for more parameter configurations.

roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_image.launch

Run the example application with an absolute path of an image

rosrun movidius_ncs_example movidius_ncs_example_image <image_path_to_be_inferred>


rosrun movidius_ncs_example movidius_ncs_example_image /opt/movidius/examples/data/images/cat.jpg

5.3 Choose Different CNN Models

You can choose different CNN Models for inference through the argument of network_conf_path. e.g.
Using RealSense camera

#one console
roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_realsense_d400.launch graph_file_path:="/opt/movidius/examples/caffe/SqueezeNet/graph"
#another console
roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_stream_example.launch

Using standard USB camera

#one console
roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_usbcam.launch graph_file_path:="/opt/movidius/examples/caffe/AlexNet/graph"
#another console
roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_stream_example.launch camera_topic:="/usb_cam/image_raw"

6 Interfaces and Arguments

6.1 Topic


6.2 Service


6.3 Arguments

Node Arguments Default Value Description
ncs input_topic /camera/color/image_raw subscribed rgb camera topic
ncs output_topic /movidius_ncs_nodelet/classified_object published topic of inference results
ncs device_index 0 ncs device index
ncs log_level 1 ncs log level
ncs graph_file_path /opt/movidius/examples/caffe/GoogLeNet/graph the path of CNN model graph file
ncs category_file_path /opt/movidius/examples/data/ilsvrc12/categories.txt object category list
ncs network_dimension 224 network dimension for input data
ncs channel1_mean 0.40787054 mean value of the first channel of image, defualt value is for ImageNet dataset
ncs channel2_mean 0.45752458 mean value of the second channel of image, defualt value is for ImageNet dataset
ncs channel3_mean 0.48109378 mean value of the third channel of image, defualt value is for ImageNet dataset
ncs top_n 3 the number of results to be shown
realsense color_width 1920 frame width
realsense color_height 1080 frame height
usb cam image_width 640 frame width
usb cam image_height 480 frame height
usb cam video_device /dev/video0 use camera device node

7 CNN Support Status

CNN Model Weights Status
GoogleNet weights Supported
AlexNet weights Supported
SqueezeNet weights Supported
Gender weights Supported
Age weights Not supported

8 Known Issues

  • Only absolute path of image file supported in image inference demo
  • Only test on RealSense ZR300 camera, RealSense D400 series camera and Microsoft HD-300 USB camera
  • Current v0.3.0 supporting NCSDK v1.07.06 is on master branch. devel branch is the development branch for the next release.


  • Support multiple NCS devices
  • Support more CNN models
  • Support latest NCSDK
For security issues, please send mail to xiaojun.huang@intel.com