ggstar with subset?
g-pacheco opened this issue · 2 comments
g-pacheco commented
Thanks a lot for the great package. I was wondering if there would be a way to use ggstar with subsetting, something like:
geom_star(aes(subset = (node == 480)), starshape = 25, size = 1.25, fill = '#44AA99', starstroke = .07, show.legend = FALSE)
Many thanks in advance, George.
xiangpin commented
Yes, This is useful to display the data that meet some conditions. The github
version has supported it. You can install it via remotes::install_github("xiangpin/ggstar")
g-pacheco commented
Thanks very much for your quick reply.
I can confirm that it does work. Apologies for not noticing it before.
Best regards, George.