
.Rmd figures do not show up

JAQuent opened this issue · 0 comments

I am currently trying to set-up a new website using this theme but I have issues with getting the figures that are generated to show up as can be seen here https://jaquent.github.io/post/2023-02-03-test-plot/ the plot that is supposed to be under the r-chunk is not visible.

I am using blogdown_1.16 in R to generate the site.

When looking at the hmtl source code there doesn't even seem to be any image there. What am I doing wrong? Relatedly, suppose I create a new post via creating a markdown file directly, where would the images for that post have be so that it would work?

Here is the code:

title: Test plot
author: ''
date: '2023-02-03'
slug: []
categories: []
tags: []
lastmod: '2023-02-03T17:55:47+08:00'
keywords: []
description: ''
comment: no
toc: no
autoCollapseToc: no
contentCopyright: no
reward: no
mathjax: no


plot(rnorm(10), rnorm(10))

I've added \ before the chunk otherwise I wouldn't be displayed right here.