issue about the generation of action
Closed this issue · 3 comments
I have a issue about the generation of action. In your code, the action is generated as follows:
action = mu + np.sqrt(sigma) * epsilon
The mu and sigma denote the mean and stddev of the normal distribution of action, right?
But in your code, them maybe represent action and td_error respectively. I'm puzzled about two parameters.
And, it can be saw in many codes. So, can you explain this piece of code if you feel free?
@PacificBase 的确是代表mean和stddev,并不是action和td_error。action是从一个分布里进行抽样得到的,td_error是前后两次计算得到的,这两个结果不会在actor单次的向前传播中计算出来。action和td_error是作为y_true传进去的,只在loss部分进行了计算。
也就是说action = mu + np.sqrt(sigma) * epsilon
@PacificBase 防止出现log(0)。