
03. ServiceProvider Register 解析

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ServiceProvider Register 解析

前面 《02. Kernel Handle解析》 结尾,我们留下了 注册服务提供者启动服务提供者 是两个比较重要的步骤的悬念,接下来两篇文章,我们来分别解析这两大流程。


namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application;
class RegisterProviders
* Bootstrap the given application.
* @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app
* @return void
public function bootstrap(Application $app)


整个 RegisterProviders 都是粮衣,其没有任何功能功能代码,而是调用到了 Illuminate\Foundation\ ApplicationregisterConfiguredProviders

注意运行时实际并没有调用 Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application 的 registerConfiguredProviders,而是调用了其具体实现类 Illuminate\Foundation\ Application 的 registerConfiguredProviders。不要被上面代码中的注解表象所迷惑

* Register all of the configured providers.
* @return void
public function registerConfiguredProviders()
$providers = Collection::make($this->config['app.providers'])
->partition(function ($provider) {
return Str::startsWith($provider, 'Illuminate\\');
$providers->splice(1, 0, [$this->make(PackageManifest::class)->providers()]);
(new ProviderRepository($this, new Filesystem, $this->getCachedServicesPath()))

上面第 540-543 行是将 config/app.php 中配置的 providers


Lines 122 to 163 in d081c91

'providers' => [
* Laravel Framework Service Providers...
* Package Service Providers...
* Application Service Providers...
// App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class,

读取出来,判断是否为 Illuminate\ 开头,归为两组:

Illuminate\Support\Collection {#2825
     all: [
       Illuminate\Support\Collection {#2822
         all: [
       Illuminate\Support\Collection {#2823
         all: [
            "22" => "App\Providers\AppServiceProvider",
            "22" => "App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider",
            "22" => "App\Providers\EventServiceProvider",
            "22" => "App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider",

接着 $providers->splice(1, 0, [$this->make(PackageManifest::class)->providers()]) 这一行会得到如下结果

Illuminate\Support\Collection {#33
  #items: array:3 [
    0 => Illuminate\Support\Collection {#21
      #items: array:22 [
        0 => "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider"
        1 => "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastServiceProvider"
        2 => "Illuminate\Bus\BusServiceProvider"
        3 => "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider"
        4 => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
        5 => "Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider"
        6 => "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider"
        7 => "Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider"
        8 => "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider"
        9 => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FoundationServiceProvider"
        10 => "Illuminate\Hashing\HashServiceProvider"
        11 => "Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider"
        12 => "Illuminate\Notifications\NotificationServiceProvider"
        13 => "Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider"
        14 => "Illuminate\Pipeline\PipelineServiceProvider"
        15 => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
        16 => "Illuminate\Redis\RedisServiceProvider"
        17 => "Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordResetServiceProvider"
        18 => "Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider"
        19 => "Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider"
        20 => "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider"
        21 => "Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider"
    1 => array:5 [
      0 => "BeyondCode\DumpServer\DumpServerServiceProvider"
      1 => "Fideloper\Proxy\TrustedProxyServiceProvider"
      2 => "Laravel\Tinker\TinkerServiceProvider"
      3 => "Carbon\Laravel\ServiceProvider"
      4 => "NunoMaduro\Collision\Adapters\Laravel\CollisionServiceProvider"
    2 => Illuminate\Support\Collection {#31
      #items: array:4 [
        22 => "App\Providers\AppServiceProvider"
        23 => "App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider"
        24 => "App\Providers\EventServiceProvider"
        25 => "App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider"


(new ProviderRepository($this, new Filesystem, $this->getCachedServicesPath())) 

第一步是将加载缓存好的 bootstrap/cache/services.php

* Get the path to the cached services.php file.
* @return string
public function getCachedServicesPath()
return $this->bootstrapPath().'/cache/services.php';

其实就是执行 ProviderRepository::load() $providers-> collapse() 得到的数组 (这个数组是前面 splice 拆分后再并入的)。

* Register the application service providers.
* @param array $providers
* @return void
public function load(array $providers)
$manifest = $this->loadManifest();
// First we will load the service manifest, which contains information on all
// service providers registered with the application and which services it
// provides. This is used to know which services are "deferred" loaders.
if ($this->shouldRecompile($manifest, $providers)) {
$manifest = $this->compileManifest($providers);
// Next, we will register events to load the providers for each of the events
// that it has requested. This allows the service provider to defer itself
// while still getting automatically loaded when a certain event occurs.
foreach ($manifest['when'] as $provider => $events) {
$this->registerLoadEvents($provider, $events);
// We will go ahead and register all of the eagerly loaded providers with the
// application so their services can be registered with the application as
// a provided service. Then we will set the deferred service list on it.
foreach ($manifest['eager'] as $provider) {

这句 loadManifest 即为加载前面传入的 bootstrap/cache/services.php

* Load the service provider manifest JSON file.
* @return array|null
public function loadManifest()
// The service manifest is a file containing a JSON representation of every
// service provided by the application and whether its provider is using
// deferred loading or should be eagerly loaded on each request to us.
if ($this->files->exists($this->manifestPath)) {
$manifest = $this->files->getRequire($this->manifestPath);
if ($manifest) {
return array_merge(['when' => []], $manifest);

第60行调用到的的 shouldRecompile 逻辑为判断是否 provider 不符合,代码

* Determine if the manifest should be compiled.
* @param array $manifest
* @param array $providers
* @return bool
public function shouldRecompile($manifest, $providers)
return is_null($manifest) || $manifest['providers'] != $providers;

如果需要重新编译此服务提供者缓存的 bootstrap/cache/services.php ,把数据 $manifest 提取到 bootstrap/cache/services.php ,具体过程为:

* Compile the application service manifest file.
* @param array $providers
* @return array
protected function compileManifest($providers)
// The service manifest should contain a list of all of the providers for
// the application so we can compare it on each request to the service
// and determine if the manifest should be recompiled or is current.
$manifest = $this->freshManifest($providers);
foreach ($providers as $provider) {
$instance = $this->createProvider($provider);
// When recompiling the service manifest, we will spin through each of the
// providers and check if it's a deferred provider or not. If so we'll
// add it's provided services to the manifest and note the provider.
if ($instance->isDeferred()) {
foreach ($instance->provides() as $service) {
$manifest['deferred'][$service] = $provider;
$manifest['when'][$provider] = $instance->when();
// If the service providers are not deferred, we will simply add it to an
// array of eagerly loaded providers that will get registered on every
// request to this application instead of "lazy" loading every time.
else {
$manifest['eager'][] = $provider;
return $this->writeManifest($manifest);

* Write the service manifest file to disk.
* @param array $manifest
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
public function writeManifest($manifest)
if (! is_writable(dirname($this->manifestPath))) {
throw new Exception('The bootstrap/cache directory must be present and writable.');
$this->manifestPath, '<?php return '.var_export($manifest, true).';'
return array_merge(['when' => []], $manifest);

到这时,ProviderRepository::load() 的服务提供者缓存的判断和执行流程就结束了。我们回到 ProviderRepository::load() 的后面流程,接下来就是

// Next, we will register events to load the providers for each of the events
// that it has requested. This allows the service provider to defer itself
// while still getting automatically loaded when a certain event occurs.
foreach ($manifest['when'] as $provider => $events) {
$this->registerLoadEvents($provider, $events);

没错,触发 registerLoadEvents 方法了。感谢 laravel 代码做到了足够语义化,我们猜到了这里就是触发服务提供者注册事件的。具体流程为:

* Register the load events for the given provider.
* @param string $provider
* @param array $events
* @return void
protected function registerLoadEvents($provider, array $events)
if (count($events) < 1) {
$this->app->make('events')->listen($events, function () use ($provider) {

  • 若需关注更多关于 Laravel 事件触发机制,请关注 [TODO]

再继续后面,就是 ProviderRepository::load() 触发容器的 register 的流程了

// We will go ahead and register all of the eagerly loaded providers with the
// application so their services can be registered with the application as
// a provided service. Then we will set the deferred service list on it.
foreach ($manifest['eager'] as $provider) {

Illuminate\Foundation\Container\Appplication 容器的 register 方法代码为

* Register a service provider with the application.
* @param \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider|string $provider
* @param bool $force
* @return \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider
public function register($provider, $force = false)
if (($registered = $this->getProvider($provider)) && ! $force) {
return $registered;
// If the given "provider" is a string, we will resolve it, passing in the
// application instance automatically for the developer. This is simply
// a more convenient way of specifying your service provider classes.
if (is_string($provider)) {
$provider = $this->resolveProvider($provider);
if (method_exists($provider, 'register')) {
// If there are bindings / singletons set as properties on the provider we
// will spin through them and register them with the application, which
// serves as a convenience layer while registering a lot of bindings.
if (property_exists($provider, 'bindings')) {
foreach ($provider->bindings as $key => $value) {
$this->bind($key, $value);
if (property_exists($provider, 'singletons')) {
foreach ($provider->singletons as $key => $value) {
$this->singleton($key, $value);
// If the application has already booted, we will call this boot method on
// the provider class so it has an opportunity to do its boot logic and
// will be ready for any usage by this developer's application logic.
if ($this->booted) {
return $provider;


  1. 先尝试取 getProvider 这个服务,如果能取到证明注册过了,除非要求强硬方式 $force 就不再注册
  2. 解析出 $provier 为具体的 ServiceProvider 对象
  3. 判断 $provider 有无 register 方法,有则运行
  4. 判断 $provider有无定义 $bindings 属性,若有,则依次 $key$value 为参,进入 Illuminate\Foundation\Container\Appplication::bind($key, $value) 执行
  5. 判断 $provider 有无定义 $singletons 属性,若有,则依次 $key$value 为参,进入 Illuminate\Foundation\Container\Appplication::singleton($key, $value) 执行
  6. 标记这个服务提供者已被注册过了 Illuminate\Foundation\Container\Appplication::$loadedProviders[ServiceProvider::class] = true
  7. 如果服务提供者已经被启动过了 ($booted == true), 调用 bootProvider($provider)