game instruction:

  1. First click 'add player' to add at least 2 players (5 at most).
  2. After adding players, click 'start game' to initialze the board.
  3. The newly drawn tile is displayed in the north button, you could click on the tile to rotate it.
  4. Click any 'newButton' on board to place the tile.
  5. If the tile is successfully placed, you can click on a feature to place a follower on it. (Please refer to discussion pdf for locating process of the follower)
  6. If you choose not to place follower, or after successfully placing a follower, click 'next player' to finish your turn.
  7. The follower placement info panel below the board shows where the follower is placed.
  8. When there is no available tiles left, the game will end and a dialog showing final scores will pop up.# Carcassonne