Uncertainty Quantification with Pre-trained Language Models: An Empirical Analysis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Code for Uncertainty Quantification with Pre-trained Language Models: An Empirical Analysis (EMNLP 2022 Findings).


PyTorch = 1.10.1
Bayesian-Torch = 0.1
HuggingFace Transformers = 4.11.1


Our empirical analysis consists of the following three NLP (natural language processing) classification tasks:

task_id Task In-Domain Dataset Out-Of-Domain Dataset
Task1 Sentiment Analysis IMDb Yelp
Task2 Natural Language Inference MNLI SNLI
Task3 Commonsense Reasoning SWAG HellaSWAG

You can download our input data here and unzip it to the current directory.

Then the corresponding data splits of each task are stored in Data/{task_id}/Original:

  • train.pkl, dev.pkl, and test_in.pkl come from the in-domain dataset.
  • test_out.pkl comes from the out-of-domain dataset.


Specify the targeting model_name and task_id in Code/run.sh:

  • model_name is specified in the format of {PLM}_{size}-{loss}.
    • {PLM} (Pre-trained Language Model) can be chosen from bert, xlnet, electra, roberta, and deberta.
    • {size} can be chosen from base and large.
    • {loss} can be chosen from be (Brier loss), fl (focal loss), ce (cross-entropy), ls (label smoothing), and mm (max mean calibration error).
  • task_id can be chosen from Task1 (Sentiment Analysis), Task2 (Natural Language Inference), and Task3 (Commonsense Reasoning).

Other hyperparameters are defined in Code/info.py (e.g., learning rate, batch size, and training epoch).

Use the command bash Code/run.sh to run one sweep of experiments:

  1. Transform the original data input in Data/{task_id}/Original to the model-specific data input in Data/{task_id}/{model_name}.
  2. Train six deterministic (version=det) PLM-based pipelines (used for Vanilla, Temp Scaling (temperature scaling), MC Dropout (monte-carlo dropout), and Ensemble) stored in Result/{task_id}/{model_name}.
  3. Train six stochastic (version=sto) PLM-based pipelines (used for LL SVI (last-layer stochastic variational inference)) stored in Result/{task_id}/{model_name}.
  4. Test the above pipelines with five kinds of uncertainty quantifiers (Vanilla, Temp Scaling, MC Dropout, Ensemble, and LL SVI) under two domain settings (test_in and test_out) based on four metrics (ERR (prediction error), ECE (expected calibration error), RPP (reversed pair proportion), and FAR95 (false alarm rate at 95% recall)).
    1. The evaluation of each (uncertainty quantifier, domain setting, metric) combination consists of six trials, and the results are stored in Result/{task_id}/{model_name}/result_score.pkl.
    2. The ground truth labels and raw probability outputs are stored in Result/{task_id}/{model_name}/result_prob.pkl.
  5. All the training and testing stdouts are stored in Result/{task_id}/{model_name}/.


We store our empirical observations in results.pkl. You can download this dictionary here.

  • The key is in the format of ({task}, {model}, {quantifier}, {domain}, {metric}).
    • {task} can be chosen from Sentiment Analysis, Natural Language Inference, and Commonsense Reasoning.
    • {model} can be chosen from bert_base-br, bert_base-ce, bert_base-fl, bert_base-ls, bert_base-mm, bert_large-ce, deberta_base-ce, deberta_large-ce, electra_base-ce, electra_large-ce, roberta_base-ce, roberta_large-ce, xlnet_base-ce, and xlnet_large-ce.
    • {quantifier} can be chosen from Vanilla, Temp Scaling, MC Dropout, Ensemble, and LL SVI.
    • {domain} can be chosen from test_in and test_out.
    • {metric} can be chosen from ERR, ECE, RPP, and FAR95. Note that FAR95 only works with the domain setting of test_out.
  • The value is in the format of (mean, standard error), which are calculated based on six trials with different seeds.


  title={Uncertainty Quantification with Pre-trained Language Models: An Empirical Analysis},
  author={Xiao, Yuxin and Liang, Paul Pu and Bhatt, Umang and Neiswanger, Willie and Salakhutdinov, Ruslan and Morency, Louis-Philippe},
  booktitle={Findings of EMNLP},