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tldr lpr

 - Print a file to the default printer:
   lpr {{path/to/file}}

 - Print 2 copies:
   lpr -# {{2}} {{path/to/file}}

 - Print to a named printer:
   lpr -P {{printer}} {{path/to/file}}

 - Print either a single page (e.g. 2) or a range of pages (e.g. 2–16):
   lpr -o page-ranges={{2|2-16}} {{path/to/file}}

 - Print double sided either in portrait (long) or in landscape (short):
   lpr -o sides={{two_sided_long_edge|two_sided_short_edge}} {{path/to/file}}

 - Set page size (more options may be available depending on setup):
   lpr -o media={{a4|letter|legal}} {{path/to/file}}

 - Print multiple pages per sheet:
   lpr -o number-up={{2|4|6|9|16}} {{path/to/file}}

使用 -o fit-to-page 参数