
How to run this project?Thanks!

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How to run this project?Thanks!

Thanks for your patience.
To run this project, there are the steps:

  1. run main_pretrain.py to get pretrained code matrix and codebooks
  2. run main_student.py to train a student model and save the well-trained student
  3. download the student model into a device and using Pytorch Mobile to encapsulate the student model
  4. run the pytorch Mobile model on Android Studio with a selected mobile device virtual system
    The required teacher models and Android Studio Project Demo can be accessed in here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g4mgdaezr8uqgic/AABpUxvY3_407D-0UNuEzOAMa?dl=0
    Note that this paper is an extension of our previous paper (https://github.com/xiaxin1998/OD-Rec) and is undre review.