
bazel_grpc_demo is the best example for grpc in github for current, it can be use in product enviroment. recomend grpc_async_server for server implement and route_guide_async_stream_client for client implement


  1. support bazel 5.1 and above
  2. many implement style, state machine style, callback, unary and bidirectional and client and server streaming, synchronous
  3. multiple thread
  4. high performance


  1. grpc_async_server use grpc arena to allocate and construct response, then modify response will core,new reponse works fine, need check reason. user don't need worry about this, for repo use new now.
  2. grpc_async_server not call AsyncNotifyWhenDone,call AsyncNotifyWhenDone need make records and do some judgement like grpc_async_callback_stream_server and grpc_async_state_stream_server

About code

  1. some code derrived from,
  2. some code derrived from, it's really a sophisticated example.
  3. thanks to Arpit Baldeva and tnie