
type scatterGL not recognized

cindy-m opened this issue · 0 comments

For our app, we now try to add a scatterGL graph into our application. We already succesfully use line charts. After trying out a lot, we still can't get it to work.
So the main problem is actually, that it does not recognize the 'scatterGL' as a series type. Think maybe adding the echarts-gl goes wrong somewhere. I created a stackblitz with what we have now so far, where one scatter chart should be shown and one scatterGL: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-krbomx?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts

The scatter chart is working, scatterGL not. the import of the echarts-gl is added into the main as suggested in one of the solutions we found. Also tried to put into a custom file and importat that, but still did not get it. What am I missing to get it working? We really need the scatterGL because we have a lot of data to fill in there.