
Use SecureRandom.uuid instead of UUID4R.uuid(4)

atrzaska opened this issue · 0 comments


Currently beetle uses UUID4R gem for generating message UUID.
UUID4R gem uses OSSP-UUID native library.
OSSP-UUID library is outdated (2008). It is also not included as package in many linux distributions.
Therefore many times developers are stuck installing this library by compiling from the source.


Replace UUID4R gem with SecureRandom.

Speed benchmark

SecureRandom seems like a 4 times faster solution than UUID4R:

[4] pry(main)> Benchmark.bmbm(100) { |b|'SecureRandom.uuid') { SecureRandom.uuid };'UUID4R::uuid(4)') { UUID4R::uuid(4) } }
Rehearsal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SecureRandom.uuid                                                                                      0.000037   0.000004   0.000041 (  0.000034)
UUID4R::uuid(4)                                                                                        0.000032   0.000112   0.000144 (  0.000144)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- total: 0.000185sec

                                                                                                           user     system      total        real
SecureRandom.uuid                                                                                      0.000029   0.000003   0.000032 (  0.000027)
UUID4R::uuid(4)                                                                                        0.000030   0.000078   0.000108 (  0.000103)