
Unable to use dynamic credentials in ftp_servers options.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I want to use credentials from database table in ftp_servers options. Is there any way to do this ?

1). I have tried using lamda option which paperclip supports but it gives me error:
NoMethodError (undefined method `map' for #Proc:0x007fb0249b3738

has_attached_file :image, {
    storage: :ftp,
    path:  '/Images/:filename',
    url:   '/images/:style/missing.png',
    ftp_servers: -> (attachment) {  attachment.instance.ftp_keys },
    ftp_connect_timeout: 5,
    ftp_ignore_failing_connections: true,
    ftp_keep_empty_directories: true

def ftp_keys
        host: 'host',
        user: 'user_name',
        password: 'password'

2). I also tried to use function but inside hash i am unable to use any class method.

Hi @hassanakram! I am sorry, but this is not supported at the moment (you are the first one to request that feature).
Could you contribute a PR to add support for it? I would be happy to review.

@boosty No issues.
I have created a pull request, please review it when you have time. I will be more than happy to accommodate required changes.

Closing due to lack of activity on #35. Please reopen if necessary.