
As a package consumer I want background and context for changes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Xiphe commented

When I read the changelog of a package

Then I expect to find all relevant informations for me, for example

  • migration guidelines for Breaking changes
  • reasoning for reverts
  • design decisions that lead to features
  • ...

But most of these informations can usually be found in the commit body
And I can't find this information within the generated files

This could be solved by adding the body to the changelog or adding links to the single commits.

Changelog format:

Changelog rlsr-1-1

Version 1.1.0

patch fix: patch

something more
closes #14

minor feat: minor change

This is the body

And the footer

Dependency update of rlsr-1-1-1 (feat): small change

Version 1.0.3

Dependency update of rlsr-1-1-1 (feat): new stuff BREAKING

Version 1.0.2

Dependency update of rlsr-1-1-1 (feat): new stuff BREAKING

Version 1.0.1

Dependency update of rlsr-1-1-1 (feat): new stuff BREAKING