
nunuStudio is a web based game engine for 3D and 2D game development with support for VR and AR

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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GitHub issues GitHub stars

  • nunuStudio is a 3D and 2D game engine for the web. It uses WebGL and WebVR to allow fast 3D graphics and virtual reality on the web without the need for plugins.
  • Visual scene editor, code editor, visual tools to edit textures, materials, particle emitters, etc and a powerful scripting API that allows the creation of complex applications.
  • Lightweight engine powered by three.js that can run easily on desktop and mobile platforms.

Web Editor

  • There is a fully featured web version of the editor available at https://nunustudio.org/editor/editor
  • The web version was tested with Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge, mobile browsers are not supported.

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  • Documentation for the scripting API is available on the nunu webpage https://nunustudio.org/docs
  • nunuStudio was documented using YUIDocs


  • Visual application editor
  • three.js based
    • Real time lighting and shadow map support
    • three.js code can be used inside nunuStudio scripts without the need for THREE prefix
  • Wide range of file formats supported
  • TTF Font support
  • Drag and drop files directly to objects
  • One file only project export with all assets included
    • No more broken projects because of missing files
  • NWJS and Cordova used for easy desktop and mobile deployment
  • Physics engine (cannon.js)
  • SPE particle system
  • Compatible with WebVR V1.1


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  • nunuStudio is intended to run with NWJS direcly on the desktop Linux and Windows are supported
    • Download last version from releases in the github page
  • To run the development version of nunuStudio
    • Download the last release from the github repository and unzip it
    • Download last NWJS version from their webpage unzip it to nwjs/win or nwjs/linux (depending on your OS)
    • Run the start.sh or start.bat file (depending on your OS)
  • There a web version available on the project webpage
    • The web version cannot export desktop projects


  • nunuStudio uses a custom solution for module management
  • To build nunuStudio Java and NodeJS are required
    • Javascript is optimized and minified using Google closure
    • Documentation generation requires YuiDocs to be installed (npm -g install yuidocjs)
  • The building system generates minified builds for the runtime and for the editor
  • To build nunu (editor, runtime and documentation), navigate to the nunu/build/build directory and run "node build.js"
  • The build system is compatible with windows, linux and macos.


  • V0.8.9.15 Alpha
    • Added font preview in asset explorer
    • Fixed material preview projection
    • Projects can be loaded when dragged anywhere
    • Videos and images can now be exported to files
      • Left click on texture inside the asset explorer and select Export Image/Video
    • Added support for Positional Audio
      • Audio relative to origin
    • Fonts can now be dragged directly to an object
    • Fixed script onResize method
    • Projects can now be run by pressing F5
  • V0.8.9.16 Alpha
    • Fixed file path changing after project export
    • Program rendering settings (Antialiasing, Shadows)
    • Text3D now supports line break with '\n'
    • Text3D panel can be used to edit multiline text
    • Program stores pointer to nunu app (program.app)
    • Added program.sendDataApp and app.setOnDataReceived for app/page communication
    • Renamed NunuRuntime to NunuApp (Makes more sense)
    • Fixed copy/paste inside object panels
  • V0.8.9.17 Alpha
    • Particle editor position, velocity and acceleration delta now shows in different a row
    • Fixed program resources dispose
    • Added support for mouse lock on runtime
    • Added RectArea light support
    • Added MTL loading support
    • Added program, scene and self variables to scripts (can be used without this reference)
    • Generic multi file format 3D model loading
  • V0.8.9.18 Alpha
    • Added geometry properties to geometry panels
    • Camera draw order
    • Fixed OBJ and MTL loading
    • Default app export template loading screen
    • Audio preview
  • V0.8.9.19 Alpha
    • Renamed variables variable_name to variableName
    • Added Texture Editor
    • Documentation page
  • V0.8.9.20 Alpha
    • Cubetexture support
    • Improved material serialization
    • Sort objects in the explorer
  • V0.8.9.21 Alpha
    • Editor standalone version (@Seagat2011)
    • Support for File API loading
    • Added reverse glyphs option to Font asset
    • Improved font preview
    • Added support for Textures as scene background
    • Drag and drop CubeTextures
    • Drag and drop tabs in editor
  • V0.8.9.22 Alpha
    • Removed editor state, tabs are self updated
  • V0.8.9.23 Alpha
    • Added support for STL files
    • Fixed locked keys in Keyboard after alerts, prompts, etc
    • Added support for nested menu in ContextMenus
    • Support for 3DS files
    • CircleGeometry
  • V0.8.9.24 Alpha
    • Added snap to grid
    • First version of NodeJS build system (@GGAlanSmithee)
    • Open ISP as url argument on web version
    • Support for orbit navigation
  • V0.8.9.25 Alpha
    • Added CubeCamera
    • Added SpriteSheet texture animation support
    • Gamepad support
    • Improved UI elements
  • V0.8.9.26 Alpha
    • Improved audio implementation
    • Control sky colors on UI
    • Keyboard navigation in orbit mode
    • Export projects from web version
    • Calculate texture offset and repeat to fit aspect ratio in square
    • Code autocomplete from documentation
    • Keep file name on web version
    • Force webgl context loss when tabs closed
  • V0.9.0 Beta
    • Division property for HTML elements
    • Camera preview positioning
    • Cubemaps from equirectangular projection
    • Binary project files (.nsp)
  • V0.9.1 Beta
    • Internal debug console
      • Preview materials and textures in console
      • Visualize math structures
    • Desktop auto update mechanism (auto download build from github master branch)
    • Load 3D file drag and drop with texture support
    • Skeleton serialization (@takahirox)
    • ES6 lint support
    • Support for line and points material
    • Improvements in material editor
  • V0.9.2 Beta
    • Support for multi selection
    • Geometry binary operations (CSG)
      • Subtract
      • Intersect
      • Union
    • Immediate mode
    • Postprocessing
      • Postprocessing editor
    • Resize is now a part of Object3D
    • Improvements to nsp files
      • Moved from base64 to raw binary data.
    • Cube camera preview
    • Fixed dropdown menus getting out of screen
  • V0.9.3 Beta
    • Shadow material
    • Support for .blend files (@Galactrax)
    • Fixed support for spine animations
    • Editor infinite grid
    • Animation timeline editor (@zz85)
    • Improved history system in the editor
    • Support for mesh modifiers


nunuStudio is built on top of a number of open source projects

  • NWJS
    • nwjs.io
  • three.js
    • github.com/mrdoob/three.js
  • Cannon.JS
    • schteppe.github.io/cannon.js
  • opentype
    • opentype.js.org
  • SPE
    • github.com/squarefeet/ShaderParticleEngine
  • JSColor
    • jscolor.com
  • CodeMirror
    • codemirror.net
  • LeapJS
    • github.com/leapmotion/leapjs
  • JSHint
    • jshint.com
  • YUIDocs
    • yui.github.io/yuidoc
  • Timeliner
    • github.com/zz85/timeliner


  • nunuStudio apps are meant to be used inside web pages
  • To embed applications made inside nunuStudio in web pages the following code can be used
  • nunuStudio can export full page web apps with a fullscreen and vr buttons by default but the following code can be used to embed nunu applications inside other webpages
 var app = new NunuApp();

 //Resize app
 function resize()

 //On exit callback (optional)
 	//TODO <Exit callback>
 //Toggle fullscreen (optional)
 function toggleFullscreen()
 //Toggle VR mode (optional, if available)
 function toggleVR()


  • nunuStudio uses a MIT license (Available on GitHub page)