
jerrymarker is a simple javascript template engine (hope to be a simplified freemarker)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Jerrymarker.js is a template engine in javascript, just like a freemarker which is written in java.

Jerrymarker = javascript + freemarker-- on same day.

We are tired of coding in freemarker and then swiching to another js template for the ajax parts, so why not a combination of both.

The code is written by a newbie who don't have a good taste about coding. Still Imporving...

Whatever, we hope to keep it easily understandable to those who want to learn how template engine works, and we will keep improving it.

Most importantly, just have fun and enjoy it.


Installing jerrymarker is easy now. Simple download the javascript from the dist folder.



    var context = {
        name: 'bob'  
    var source = '<div> Hello ${name} ! </div>';
    var template = jerrymarker.compile(source);

Then we get

    Hello bob !

Object is ok

    var context = {
        person: {
            name: 'bob',
            age: 25
    var source = 'name: ${person.name}, age: ${person.age}';
    var template = jerrymarker.compile(source);

Then we get

    name: bob, age: 25
