
build-release fails

Opened this issue · 4 comments


I'm trying to build the analyzer on a Mac. I've followed the instructions but get the following

ERROR in aomanalyzer/node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts
(165,11): error TS2559: Type 'Component<P, S>' has no properties in common with type 'ComponentLifecycle<P, S>'.

ERROR in ./src/components/LocalAnalyzer.tsx
(176,17): error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'T | PromiseLike<T>'.

Any idea how to fix this?

What version of node, npm and typescript do you have?

Sorry, I should have provided that info. Here it is:
npm version 5.3.0
node version 8.4.0
tsc was not installed. Installing it (v2.5.2) does not change the situation.

Hello Michael,

This is Michael Uman from Sigma Designs. We spoke a month ago about this issue. I am also getting errors during build, both debug and release targets. The error is similar (I will post it below).

I just installed a fresh install of emscripten SDK and reinstalled all the aomanalyzer packages using the 'npm install' command. Here are the versions I am using.

/home/muman2/emsdk-portable/node/4.1.1_64bit/bin/npm v2.14.4
/home/muman2/emsdk-portable/node/4.1.1_64bit/bin/node vv4.1.1
/usr/local/bin/tsc v2.3.4

ERROR in /mnt/muman-fw-gitroot/avs2-inpector/aomanalyzer/node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts
(165,11): error TS2559: Type 'Component<P, S>' has no properties in common with type 'ComponentLifecycle<P, S>'.

ERROR in ./src/components/LocalAnalyzer.tsx
(176,17): error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'T | PromiseLike'.

What is odd is that these 'ERROR's do not prevent the creation of the bundles and as far as I can tell the code runs OK. It is just that I don't like to see error messages in the build output. It is best to resolve these issues because they may point to problems in the code or logic.

Thank you,
Michael Uman
Sr SW Engineer
Sigma Designs

This is most likely caused by changes in the TypeScript compiler, or some React dependency. TypeScript often produces output even if Errors appear, which is why your code still works. But I agree with you, that it should be fixed. I'll try and take a look at the issue, but I haven't had the time lately.

@tdaede Have you also experienced this issue when building on Linux?