
Major Mod Compatibility

Opened this issue · 2 comments

CK2+ is covered, they integrate ARR. The elephant in the room is, of course, HIP.
SWMH is actually very easy, the major issue is EMF and the changes to various vanilla laws/decisions/etc.

I've been trying my hand at merging ARR into EMF lately. I haven't tested it too thoroughly yet, but AFAICT I've merged every default file that either one overwrites, and I've at least started games without any problems. Well, except for graphics, because religion_icon_strip is a ridiculous file.

What problems do you expect to run into re changes to Vanilla?

I recommend taking a look at the Hellenic reconquest cb (ACR_hellenic_cbs.txt), as it's based on the Imperial Reconquest CB. It should be updated to more closely reflect the HIP version of the IR CB.

That isn't technically a breaking thing, but it'd be weird if they worked differently.