
MM: Cults and Societies Ideas

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Ideas for Cults and Societies for users of Monks and Mystics DLC.


  • Mithraism
  • Cult of Isis
  • Sol Invictus (Roman religion?)
  • Imperial Cult


  • Apep (Fangs of Apep)
  • Shezmu ( #135 )
  • Isis
  • Set
  • Aten (heresy)


  • Lugove (heresy)
  • Britannia (heresy)
  • Circle of Druids
  • Society of Bards
  • Order of Vates

The Circle of Druids and The Society of Bards could be non-secret, non-cult, societies for Celts/Druidics.

Similarly, many of the candidates for Patron Gods could be made into Societies for those with MM.

Perhaps something could also be done for Stoic/Skeptic/Epicurean.

Maybe Lugovites could reinstate the role of Vates, creating a separate priesthood, and another society for them to join?

Early missions run risks of injury or being outed, later missions are to put members in positions of power. For heretic cults, the ultimate aim is to restore the faith.

The head of the sect should be able to trigger a Grand Plan wherein the highest echelons convert en masse, and the lower ranks can follow or become enemies of the no-longer-secret society. Perhaps potential enemies are immediately targeted by assassination attempts.

Order 66

Kill a chaplain trying to fight the order (job action), kill someone who stands between a member and inheriting a title, kill a high ranking member's rival.

Options for non-violent resolutions, like framing the target for a crime. This could be a way to get their liege to interfere or blackmail them to back off.

Creating sympathy for your religion in other lords of the realm and lords in holy war range. Sympathy in provinces?

On the Stoic/Skeptic/Epicurean, they could be a bit similar to Hermetics being learning-focused (though this might mean some thematic overlap) but in different flavors - learning+diplomacy, learning+intrigue, etc. Stuff like joining a philosophical academy and rising in the ranks and sponsoring learning.

Circle of Druids, Society of Bards, and Order of Vates could be similar to the monastic orders. The two highest levels could be restricted to "real" Druids/Bards/Vates, and lower levels represent how strong your patronage of that group is.