
Wines and Oils

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Originally described in #135 for the Shezmu Cult. This will have to be implemented as a separate feature prior to the Shezmu Cult.

Feature Description: The ability to create an Oil Works or Distillery should be available to Seducers and Carousers respectively. Those without Way of Life should get access through traits. Shezmu Cultists get access to the decisions without further restriction. This is necessary because the presence of alcohol or oils in someone's treasury would be an instant giveaway that they are Shezmu Cultists. It would also make the feature generally more useful.

You would periodically (every year or so) get an event where you produce something from your thing. Various factors would dictate the quality you produce. Sometimes there would be options to try something different, in which case the result is more extreme (good or bad).

These items can be gifted for opinion boosts with the target. Different traits on the target would influence the opinion boost. Dandies would appreciate the perfumed oils more than shy people; drunks and carousers would appreciate the wine better than temperate people, etc.

The bonuses should be small and relatively short-lived, because the products are going to be fairly common. +5 to +25 or so, and only lasting 2 or 3 years at the longest.

The "power" to requisition oils/wine from other Shezmu cultists would transfer a portion of the spent influence to the giver. Perhaps a favor could be traded instead. The AI should also occasionally requisition oils/wine from other members.

Shezmu cultists (maybe everyone?) can have the opportunity to poison gifted oils/wine as an assassination attempt. Various factors at play for the result. If wine/oils are accepted (even when not poison) they are consumed immediately and should have various possible effects.

Oils will generally confer a general attraction and opinion bonus. Wines could have the risk of making the character a drunk? Wines should have the ability to maybe remove stress.

Have an event that fires during dinner parties/celebration events that allows you to use a bottle of wine for a small and short opinion bonus with all your guests.

Could use Alchemy ingredients when trying experimental wines and oils.

5 levels of quality. Bottles and jars use different colored labels based on tried and true MMO color coding (gray, white, orange, blue, purple; red for poisoned/terrible product).

To more easily distinguish the less common varieties of wine or oil (results of using different ingredients mostly) the bottles and jars will tilt one way for normal and the other for the more exotic types.

Each "unit" of the artifact actually represents a large but ambiguous quantity, such as an entire crate of bottles. Enough that 1u of wine can be spent on a party and contain enough for all attendees to have a glass, for instance. There should be some mention of this in-game, nothing particularly overt should be required.

Ingredients for making these ambiguously large quantities should be in similarly ambiguous measurements. You don't get a sprig of hemlock, you get a bushel. This makes it easy enough to distinguish my ingredient items from those of the Hermetic society.

Bergamot -> +0.5 Health, +10% chance of losing Stressed
Animal Parts (various) -> Poison, -1 Health, Chance of developing an intestinal disease for RD owners
Lemon Grass -> +0.5 Health, +10% chance of losing Depressed
Hops -> ???

Hemlock -> Poison, Good chance of dying, if survived a "Hemlock Poisoning" modifier with a health penalty
Fruit -> Improved taste, recipient appreciates it more
Spices -> +0.5 Health, +10% chance of losing Frail(feeble) or Fatigue