Some nodemcu based code to run sonoff wifi enabled plugs through MQTT
- config.lua : as its name implies
- init.lua : runs the wifi connection and launches ota and broker modules
- ota.lua : web server (http) and over the air updates module
echo -e "**LOAD**\npage.tmpl" | cat - page.tmpl | socat -u stdin TCP:ipaddress:80 -- updates the page.tmpl file on device
echo "**RESTART**" | socat -u stdin TCP:ipaddress:80 -- restart esp8266
- broker.lua : mqtt client module
mosquitto_pub -h "myMQTTserver" -t "/myMQTTpath/power" -m "on" -- turn plug on
mosquitto_pub -h "myMQTTserver" -t "/myMQTTpath/power" -m "off" -- turn plug off
Sonoff pin layout and GPIOs stolen from Pete and the community
Wifi connection loop stolen from marcelstoer/wifi-watch.lua
nodemcu firmware generated with Marcel's NodeMCU custom build machine (just add MQTT to the standard module selection)