
Will Disable when I save

Closed this issue · 2 comments

ian-ie commented
     lazy = false,
     config = function (_, opts)
             vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'NotifyBackground', vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name('Normal', true)),
             groups = { -- table: default groups
                 'Normal', 'NormalNC', 'Comment', 'Constant', 'Special', 'Identifier',
                 'Statement', 'PreProc', 'Type', 'Underlined', 'Todo', 'String', 'Function',
                 'Conditional', 'Repeat', 'Operator', 'Structure', 'LineNr', 'NonText',
                 'SignColumn', 'CursorLineNr', 'EndOfBuffer',
             extra_groups = {
                 "NormalFloat", -- plugins which have float panel such as Lazy, Mason, LspInfo
             }, -- table: additional groups that should be cleared
             exclude_groups = {}, -- table: groups you don't want to clear

Please provide a minimal config:)

I have the same issue and I dont have any config on this plugin just use it with packer and run :TransparentEnable