
error callfn

catafest opened this issue · 4 comments

Maybe I make someting wrong , I got this error:

C:\Users\catafest\go\src\github.com\xlab\android-go\app\app.go:20:2: build constraints exclude all Go files in C:\Users\catafest\go\src\github.com\xlab\android-go\app\internal\callfn

xlab commented

Hi, could you please share the host environment info you're currently using, also the target environment.
How did you invoke the build command?

is a windows 10 , just I build it
go get github.com/xlab/android-go/cmd/android-project
I make simple script named my_script
go build my_script .
but I'm not sure is a good way to do that

xlab commented

Sorry I didn't have time to update the docs, this project moved to Gradle build system #10 and android-project is invalid.

So currently I have no better advice rather than just wait a bit, I'll try to allocate some time on holidays to fix that.

Need more info or you need to fix the bat script to have a good android output ...
Even I used the default example I got error :

C:\Go\bin>C:\Users\catal_000\go\src\github.com\xlab\android-go\example-egl\gradlew build
> Task :buildEnvironment
Root project
No dependencies
1 actionable task: 1 executed
C:\Go\bin>C:\Users\catal_000\go\src\github.com\xlab\android-go\example-egl\gradlew buildEnvironment
> Task :buildEnvironment
Root project
No dependencies
1 actionable task: 1 executed
C:\Go\bin>C:\Users\catal_000\go\src\github.com\xlab\android-go\example-egl\gradlew installDebug
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Task 'installDebug' not found in root project 'bin'.

The go command output:

C:\Go\bin>go.exe build C:\Users\catal_000\go\src\github.com\xlab\android-go\example-egl\main.go
C:\Users\catal_000\go\src\github.com\xlab\android-go\app\app.go:20:2: build cons
traints exclude all Go files in C:\Users\catal_000\go\src\github.com\xlab\androi
C:\Go\bin>cd C:\Users\catal_000\go\src\github.com\xlab\android-go\app\internal\callfn
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 687F-6145
Directory of C:\Users\catal_000\go\src\github.com\xlab\android-go\app\internal\callfn
04/05/2018  04:09 PM    <DIR>          .
04/05/2018  04:09 PM    <DIR>          ..
04/05/2018  04:09 PM               600 callfn.go
04/05/2018  04:09 PM               272 callfn_386.s
04/05/2018  04:09 PM               272 callfn_amd64.s
04/05/2018  04:09 PM               272 callfn_arm.s
04/05/2018  04:09 PM               272 callfn_arm64.s
               5 File(s)          1,688 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  323,193,135,104 bytes free