
"'Database' object has no attribute 'get_connection'" errors

Eterance opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Hi, when I run the "wikitq nsql annotation command" with following commands,

cd Binder


nohup  python scripts/annotate_binder_program.py --dataset wikitq \
 --dataset_split test \
 --prompt_file templates/prompts/wikitq_binder.txt \
 --n_parallel_prompts 1 \
 --max_generation_tokens 512 \
 --temperature 0.4 \
 --sampling_n 20 \
 -v \
> run-wikitq-annotation.out 2>&1 &

tail -fn 5000 run-wikitq-annotation.out

(I didn't run run.py directly, because it reports an error: python: can't open file '/scripts/annotate_binder_program.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory)

the console outputs the following message:

I located the code that threw the error:
self.records_conn = self.db.get_connection() at line 100, nsql/database.py


I haven't completed the test yet, but I'm wondering if this whole bunch of 'Database' object has no attribute 'get_connection' errors is normal? How should I fix it?


Thanks for your question!
It is undoubtedly abnormal to see this error, could you double-check your pip packages about the version of records? It should be strictly the same as us or throw similar errors as I remembered.


Thank you for your reply!

The version of records in my env is 0.5.2.

It seems that the py3.7binder.yaml file you provided does not mention the version of records. Which version should I install?

I saw similar things in eguilg/nl2sql#1 when I first met that problem months before, so I record that in our README.md and fix that, you can see this instruction here https://github.com/HKUNLP/Binder#dependencies

records==0.5.3 will save you from struggling and see magic of Binder๐Ÿ”—๏ฝž

Sorry, my mistake, I forgot to run pip install records==0.5.3 after creating the environment. ๐Ÿ˜‚ It actually works like magic.

Thanks again for your patience!

Thank you for asking!