
Expiration text is missing after calling captcha.reset() on captchaExpired event

mareru opened this issue · 1 comments

This is the html:

<re-captcha [site_key]="recaptchaSiteKey" (captchaResponse)="onCaptchaResponse($event)" 
                             (captchaExpired)="onCaptchaExpired()" language="hr"></re-captcha>

And this is onCaptchaExpired() method in my component:

onCaptchaExpired() {
        this.registerRequest.captchaExpired = true;

Everything is working fine except that after expiration this text:

Verification expired. Check the checkbox again.

is not visible/ is missing from the recaptcha component


Maybe it shouldn't be visible, please advise. Thanks :)

That sounds like a rendering issue, not within the scope of the library. Maybe some CSS style clash? The library does not render the reCAPTCHA, that is done by Google's library.