
Values of Rows with XLFormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorPush are not showing up in form.formValues

kpavankotesh opened this issue · 1 comments


I recently updated to 4.0.1 and the rows with XLFormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorPush, valueTransformers

row = XLFormRowDescriptor(tag: "tag", rowType: XLFormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorPush, title: "title")
row.valueTransformer = CustomValueTransformer.self

Values of such rows are not coming up in form.formValues on submit. When I revert back to 4.0.0 it works fine. Can you please check?

Note: I upgraded it as a part of Swift 5 migration. Please check if that could be the issue.

I am also seeing a similar, possibly related issue where form.formValues does not return custom objects unless they conform to XLFormOptionObject.

See the code here: https://github.com/xmartlabs/XLForm/blob/master/XLForm/XL/Helpers/NSObject+XLFormAdditions.m#L43