
minimum value

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Please take a look at this:
in my form i have this definition:

 XLFormDescriptor *form;
 XLFormSectionDescriptor *section;
 XLFormRowDescriptor *row;
 form = [XLFormDescriptor formDescriptorWithTitle:@"Add Event"];
 section = [XLFormSectionDescriptor formSectionWithTitle:@"add dates"];
[form addFormSection:section];

NSDate *plus14daysMinus3h = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:((14*24*3600)-(3*3600))];
NSDate *minimum3hFromNow = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:(3*3600)];

row = [XLFormRowDescriptor formRowDescriptorWithTag:f1_from rowType:XLFormRowDescriptorTypeDateTime title:@"From"];
NSDate *now0 = [NSDate date];
NSCalendar *calendar0 = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];

[row.cellConfigAtConfigure setObject:minimum3hFromNow forKey:@"minimumDate"];
[row.cellConfigAtConfigure setObject:plus14daysMinus3h forKey:@"maximumDate"];
row.required = YES;
[section addFormRow:row];

row = [XLFormRowDescriptor formRowDescriptorWithTag:f1_to rowType:XLFormRowDescriptorTypeDateTime title:@"To"];
NSDate *now1 = [NSDate date];
[row.cellConfigAtConfigure setObject:plus14days forKey:@"maximumDate"];
[row.cellConfigAtConfigure setObject:now1 forKey:@"minimumDate"];
[section addFormRow:row];

XLFormRowDescriptor *buttonRow = [XLFormRowDescriptor formRowDescriptorWithTag:@"submitButton" rowType:XLFormRowDescriptorTypeButton title:@"SEND REQUEST"];
    //buttonRow.action.formSelector = @selector(dismissModalView);
    buttonRow.action.formSelector = @selector(validateForm1);
 [section addFormRow:buttonRow];

I need to modify the minimum date on the TO (second row) to be the row1.value + 3h
so i proceed to do:

-(void)formRowDescriptorValueHasChanged:(XLFormRowDescriptor *)rowDescriptor oldValue:(id)oldValue newValue:(id)newValue
[super formRowDescriptorValueHasChanged:rowDescriptor oldValue:oldValue newValue:newValue];
 if([rowDescriptor.tag isEqualToString:@"f1_from"])
        //NSString * evenMoreNewValue = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Hi %@ !", newvalue];
        //NSDate *mydate = dataVeche;
        NSDate *myDate  = [NSDate new];
        NSTimeInterval secondsIn3Hours = 3 * 60 * 60;
        NSDate *date3hAhead = [myDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:secondsIn3Hours];
        NSLog(@"data in 3 ore este: %@",date3hAhead);
        theNewV1  = newValue;
 if([rowDescriptor.tag isEqualToString:@"f1_to"]) { 
theNewV2 =  [NSDate dateWithTimeInterval:3600*3 sinceDate:theNewV1];
        NSLog(@"๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ• %@",theNewV2);
//[self reloadFormRow:rowDescriptor]; 

//will need to make here the row value to be the minimum - >> :/
//cannot figure it out.

Can anyone tell me if this is achievable??
I am struggling with this for 21h stright... may be the lack of sleep ๐Ÿ‘Ž or the brain is dead :)

Hi @i-am-chris,
You can access the row that you want to modify, change its minimum date through cellConfig and then update it it. You can use next code as a snippet:

-(void)formRowDescriptorValueHasChanged:(XLFormRowDescriptor *)rowDescriptor oldValue:(id)oldValue newValue:(id)newValue {
  [super formRowDescriptorValueHasChanged:rowDescriptor oldValue:oldValue newValue:newValue];

  if([rowDescriptor.tag isEqualToString:@"f1_from"]) {
      // .. add your code to calculate the new minimum date

      XLFormRowDescriptor *row = [self.form formRowWithTag:@"f1_to"];
      [row.cellConfig setValue: theNewV1 forKeyPath:@"minimumDate"];
      [self updateFormRow:row]; // You might need to update the row's value before this line

Otherwise, we use our GitHub project for bug reports and feature requests. In the future, you should open questions like this on Stack Overflow and tag xlform.

Thanks, just woke up. @m-revetria you rock!
Did not know how to call a XLFormDescriptor row ... makes sense now.