
Set color to selected option XLFormRowDescriptor.selectorOptions

Opened this issue · 2 comments

@interface GuestAddOrEditVC () {
    XLFormRowDescriptor * statusGuestRow;

in formRowDescriptorValueHasChanged i set color:

if ([[formRow.value valueData] isEqualToNumber:@(0)]) {
    [statusGuestRow.cellConfig setObject:[Constants colorWithHex:@"FF0000"] forKey:@"detailTextLabel.textColor"];
} else if ...

it change correct after forms are initialized, but not changed if i select another option in picker...

Hi @ChekistNSK try by calling -(void)reloadFormRow:(XLFormRowDescriptor *)formRow on your form controller after you change the cellConfig object.

Also i need to change color of "detailTextLabel" then user continue switching options inside picker AND then picker dissapears (user finish select - done button pressed/tapped another cell).
Don't need to close picker while searching in picker, just change color of "detailTextLabel" in real time and after value selected.