
XLPagerTabStrip is showing data in full screen . but I don't want to show in full screen .

kalpitrathod01 opened this issue · 2 comments

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  • Make sure you are using XLPagerTabStrip latest release or master branch version.
  • Make sure your Xcode version is the latest stable one.
  • Check if the issue was already reported or fixed. We add labels to each issue in order to easily find related issues. If you found a match add a brief comment "I have the same problem" or "+1".
  • Please do not use the issue tracker for personal support requests. Stack Overflow is a better place for that where a wider community can help you!

Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 5 52 30 PM

When submitting issues, please provide the following information to help maintainers to fix the problem faster:

  • Environment: XLPagerTabStrip, Xcode and iOS version you are using.
  • In case of reporting errors, provide Xcode console output of stack trace or code compilation error.
  • Any other additional detail such as example code that you think it would be useful to understand, reproduce and solve the problem.

I Want to show tableView in under position on fix with LBL position.

Try this solution: #720