modularization support?
miduch opened this issue · 4 comments
is there any plan for modularization support (refactor template into separate modules)?
Can you be more specific about modularization? Gong was built with the idea to be a foundation to build upon but in so it has to be capable to adapt to the different needs that a project can have. By modularizing, you will be left with a static core of modules, I don't think that suits the flexibility we want.
please have a look at Joe Birch's following example
would it be bad idea if Gong template had common-ui, navigation, core, app modules ?
I don't think it would be a bad idea but I think it is a matter of preference. We have tried modularization in the past and we didn't get that many advantages out of it, furthermore, it caused slow compilation times. I think this approach is more suitable for kotlin multiplatform projects like the example that you link to rather than native ones.
"it is a matter of preference" ... agree